Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thanks Goodness its Friday! But on a Wednesday this week!

We had a great day today during our first rotation of Thank Goodness its Friday Programme. All the classes were mixed up and we headed off to different classes to take part in lots of exciting things:
Mr Hull: Science experiments. Explanations as to what is happening and why.
Miss Postma: Art – Andy Warhole using the digital cameras. Looking at shading and adding colour
Mrs Hooke: Components of an Orchestra to prepare for a visit to the Vector Orchestra later later in Term. Also learning how to play the ukulele!
Miss Edwards: Drama – Childhood family and friendship relationships using picture books as a motivation. Acting out different scenarios.
Mrs MacPherson: Te Reo Kori – sticks/movements and games.

See Mr. D's blog for photo!


  1. Cool slideshow Natalie, Maddy and I really enjoyed watching it.We also really enjoyed playing hangman we played it over and over again.

    From Jessica,Maddy and Natalie Rm 21

  2. That really looks like fun. Have a great time and enjoy all your learning.
    Mrs Chao
